8. Rooted Tree


A rooted tree is a special type of tree. It is a hierarchical structure consisting of vertices and edges, with a unique root vertex from which all other vertices are accessible. The node without any children is called a leaf.

Think it as a tree in nature consists of a central trunk with branches extending outward

The term depth (or level) refers to the distance of a particular node from the root. It measures the number of edges traversed from the root to reach that specific node. The root node itself has a depth of 0, and each subsequent level increases the depth by 1.

Hover over the vertices to see their depth.

On the other hand, the height of a rooted tree is the maximum depth of any node in the tree. It is the length of the longest path from the a leaf to root.


In the interactive area, root can't be moved or removed.

Click on the vertices to add a child.

  1. 1.

    Edit the graph so that it is a rooted tree with height 4

  2. 2.

    Try to make it with 6 leaves

  • Tree height: 1
  • Number of leaves: 2

Depth: 0
