2. Adjacency List


The Adjacency List is a 2D array used to represent the connections between vertices in a graph. It consists of an array of vertices, where each vertex maintains an array (or list) of its adjacent vertices.

  • In an undirected graph, the Adjacency List represents each vertex's neighbors without considering the direction of edges.
  • In a directed graph, the Adjacency List only saves the neighbors of each vertex that are connected by an outgoing edge (also known as successor).

Toggle between the directed and undirected graph to see the difference.


  1. Efficient memory usage: In sparse graphs, where the number of edges is relatively small compared to the number of vertices, the adjacency list can be more memory-efficient compared to an adjacency matrix. It only requires storage proportional to the number of edges, rather than the square of the number of vertices.
  2. Fast iteration over neighbors: With the adjacency list, it is easy to iterate over the neighbors of a vertex. Each vertex maintains a list or array of its adjacent vertices, allowing for efficient traversal and exploration of the graph.


  1. 1.

    Edit the undirected graph so that it is equal to the adjacency list below:

  2. 2.

    Edit the directed graph so that it is equal to the adjacency list below:


Node Index:

Node ID:


Adjacency List

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5